Tuesday, March 18, 2008

zen drawing

lavender and sage
partial blind contour

By placing your pencil on the page and following the outline of what your looking at without looking back at the page, you access the right side of your brain. Both sides of the brain serve different functions, but somedays ...... let's just say maybe you need a little more of the right side. Here's FASCINATING video on why.

There's also a great book called "Zen and the Art of Seeing" that describes this technique. No "artistic ability" needed! Just put the pencil down and become one with your subject....


Anonymous said...

F---ING AMAZING is what I have to say.

Anonymous said...


I love the new- raw, truthful, no-bullshit format. Your work is stunning in its pureness. That it is your work, that you work is your pleasure, and that when you must do it, in order to release something, what you release is the gifts for us. the stirring we feel with our eyes, hearts, minds.


I hope you feel agitated again soon.

Anonymous said...

one of my favorites, by far -KK

Cally said...

Hi, and thanks for commenting on my blog. I love this drawing, it's really beautiful. I often try this technique when attempting to draw the cat, but I've not had such success as you have with your herbs.

So, Santa Barbara, lucky you, I remember visiting there when I was a kid and loved it, such a nice atmosphere, I remember having a really relaxed time there eating WAY too much watermelon!